Tylers Green Village Hall
Tylers Green Village Hall is a busy venue.
It is vital that when you book you must book from the time of arrival to the time of departure. You must allow for setting up and clearing-up time.
We do not give customers a key so they can unlock and lock up themselves.
Volunteer managers open the hall from the time of the booking and lock the hall at the end of the booking. Please see special arrangements for weddings below.
Please book by calling the office on 01494 819990, or emailing tylersgreenvillagehall@gmail.com
The manager will contact you to say whether the time and room(s) you require are available.
Once a booking is agreed, the manager will write to you confirming the booking and you will be asked to return a deposit and a completed confirmation form within the following two weeks to secure your booking.
You must return a signed copy of the terms and conditions and a required deposit BEFORE THE BOOKING CAN BE CONFIRMED.
A provisional booking can be held up to a maximum of four weeks at the discretion of the manager.
The hall is available seven days a week at the following rates.
It is not available on bank holidays and over the Christmas and Easter holiday period, Remembrance Sunday or on Sunday evenings.
Charges, excluding Friday/Saturday evening:
Ray Bradley Hall – £26.00 per hour
Penn Room – £19.00 per hour
Barnes Room – £19.00 per hour
Kitchen – £4.50 per hour
Bar/Small Kitchen – £4.50 per hour
Friday/Saturday evening
Ray Bradley Hall – £29.00 per hour
Penn Room – £23.50 per hour
Kitchen – £8.00 per hour
Bar/Small Kitchen – £8.00 per hour
Prices have been reviewed April 2025
Registered charities receive a 20% discount on the above charges.
The Barnes Room is available free of charge for up to two hours to enable social and community groups in Penn and Tylers Green to hold committee meetings (please book via the office).
Tylers Green Village Hall holds a premises licence, which means that if you are organising an event that entails selling alcohol you will need to designate a bar manager.
The bar manager is responsible for:
Once you have chosen your bar manager he or she will need to contact the village hall to give us contact details, including a phone number. A meeting will need to be arranged with the village hall’s alcohol licence holder so that the requirements and responsibilities can be discussed. This meeting must take place at least one week before the event.
Last orders and music
Our licence states that whether you are selling alcohol or providing it free, last orders must be at 10.50 and the bar closed by 11pm.
The hall welcomes wedding receptions, subject to the usual conditions, provided the bride or the groom or their parents live in Tylers Green or Penn (defined by the Tylers Green ward of Chepping Wycombe Parish Council and the Penn ward of Penn Parish Council). A maximum of 150 guests for the whole hall.
For weddings and certain other events a £250 damage cheque will be required before the event which will be returned afterwards provided no damage has occurred.
A damage cheque of £100 may be required for some other events.
If you are in any doubt as to the meaning of any of the Conditions, you must seek clarification from us without delay.
The person hiring the hall must be over 21 years of age.
The hirer, or some responsible person aged over 21 nominated by him or her in writing, shall be in charge of and present in the premises at all times when the public are in the premises.
He or she will ensure that these conditions of hire are fully observed.
The hall(s) must not be used for any other purpose than that for which it is booked, please note no teenage parties or animal related events are permitted.
The times of letting must be STRICTLY adhered to and the premises vacated AT THE TIMES STATED.
The maximum capacity of the halls in total, which must not be exceeded, is 180 persons.
If hiring the Ray Bradley hall ONLY is 150; the Penn Room ONLY is 70; & the Barnes Room ONLY is 20.
There are special conditions for weddings, please see separate sheet covering weddings.
Only parts of the hall booked will be used. The foyer is a shared area that can be used by all hirers.
During the period of the hiring, you are responsible for:
Once a function has started the Main Door must be closed unless the entrance is supervised.
It is the responsibility of the hirer to handle any problems due to gate-crashers
All breakages, loss and damage (including accidental damage) to the premises, the fixtures, fittings or contents must be paid for at replacement value at the termination of the booking.
You should report any breakages you are responsible for to the hall manager at the earliest opportunity
Hirers must leave the halls clean and tidy and in the condition they found them in.
All refuse, empty containers etc. must be disposed of at the end of the period for which the hall is booked and must, under no circumstances, be left within the premises.
Insurance and indemnity
You are liable for:
(a) Costs arising from accidental and malicious loss or damage and for loss or damage arising out of your negligence to any part of the premises including its curtilage or its contents including Wi-Fi
(b) All claims, losses, damages and costs made against or incurred by us, our employees, volunteers, third party, or invitees in respect of damage or loss of property or injury to persons arising as a result of your use of the premises (including the storage of equipment) and your use of our Wi-Fi service.
We are insured against any claims arising out of our own negligence.
Safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk
You must ensure that any activities for children, young people and adults at risk are only provided by fit and proper persons in accordance with the Children Act 1989 and 2004, the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and any subsequent legislation.
When requested, you must provide us with a copy of your Safeguarding Policy and evidence that you have carried out relevant police checks. All reasonable steps must be taken to prevent harm, and to respond appropriately if harm does occur.
You must be aware the hall is a community building and is open to the public and multiple hirers throughout the day.
Public safety compliance
You must comply with all conditions and regulations made in respect of the premises by the Local Authority, the Licensing Authority, and our fire risk assessment or otherwise.
You must also comply with our health and safety policy.
You must call the Fire Service to any outbreak of fire, however slight, and give details to our Duty Manager.
You acknowledge that you have received instruction in the following matters:
Fire extinguishers must not be removed/moved from their positions except in the case of a fire.
Smoking is not allowed anywhere within the building.
Any smoke machines must NOT trigger the fire system
In advance of any activity you must check the following items:
It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure that all portable appliance equipment brought into and used in the hall for the hirer’s event has been PAT tested by the operator
Licenses for music and bar
The halls are licensed by Buckinghamshire Council for the purpose of public entertainment, including music, dancing and singing.
For such purposes the halls shall only be used between the following hours:
Monday to Saturday 8am to 11.00pm
Sunday 8am to 7.00 pm
Noise levels from amplified music are monitored.
Monitoring equipment noise levels are set at reasonable levels.
However, high levels could result in power being cut off if excessive noise is generated. The booking will then be deemed to have ended with no hire fee being refunded.
The halls are licensed for alcohol consumption.
If you are selling alcohol, you need to designate a Bar Manager and agree to necessary conditions.
Please see the separate sheet covering events involving the sale of alcohol.
Accidents and dangerous occurrences
You must report to us as soon as possible any failure of our equipment or equipment brought in by you. You must report all accidents involving injury to the public to us as soon as possible and complete the relevant section in our accident book.
You must report certain types of accident or injury on a specific form to the Incident Contact Centre. Our Hall manager will give assistance in completing this form and can provide contact details of the Incident Contact Centre.
This is in accordance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).
Food, health and hygiene
You must, if preparing, serving or selling food, observe all relevant food health and hygiene legislation and regulations. In particular dairy products, vegetables and meat on the premises must be refrigerated and stored in compliance with the Food Temperature Regulations. The premises are provided with a refrigerator with a digital thermometer.
Privacy and Data Protection
We may collect and store personal data through your use of our Wi-Fi service.
When using the Wi-Fi service the Hirer agrees at all times to be bound by the following provisions:
Not to use the Wi-Fi service for any of the following purposes:
Lettings are given by the Trustees of Tylers Green Village Hall (the Trustees) and accepted by the “hirer” on the understanding that the halls are primarily for use by persons and organisations approved by the Trustees and are used for various purposes.
Hirers should understand that the halls are used for agreed multi-purpose activities.
They are not maintained in a condition suitable for one particular hirer or organisation.
Please note that the hall is covered by public liability insurance of up to £2million.
Lettings are given by the Trustees on the understanding that hirers accept that:
Hirers are requested to report to the hall manager any equipment or fittings found to be faulty.
Regular hirers who fail to comply with the conditions of hire, or ignore verbal warnings of breaches of the conditions, are liable to lose their booking at short notice.
Should the car park be full, hirers will need to use space available in surrounding streets.
Please park considerately and do not obstruct driveways or nearby houses.